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Alchemy Goods

While medieval alchemists sought to turn lead into gold, Alchemy Goods strive to turn useless stuff like blown-out inner tubes, old seatbelts and advertising banners into useful stuff like bags and wallets. Another word for this is upcycling. Recycling turns stuff into the same thing over and over again. Upcycling turns something of lesser value into something of greater value.

People say that “necessity is the mother of invention,” and that’s exactly the way Alchemy Goods got started. After having their messenger bag stolen and requiring a replacement, the perfect messenger bag eluded them.  With extra inner tubes lying around their apartment, they I realized that they could probably build the perfect bag out of the stuff they already had. The first prototype was born on a home sewing machine. It wasn’t perfect, but it was exactly what they needed.  Soon, friends wanted their own. Then local bike shops caught a glimpse and expressed interest. Each bag improved over the last. Thanks to friends, demand grew and grew, which led to the founding of Alchemy Goods.

So to whoever it was that stole the bag…you were the inspiration for Alchemy Goods imagination. Thank you.

Website: www.alchemygoods.com