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Emily Anderson

Emily Anderson is a published author, designer, and the former Marketing Director for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. Emily’s first love is writing and producing editorial stories for magazines, websites, and television. She creates serviceable, useful, and original lifestyle ideas and translates them in a writing style that is compelling. Her first book, Eco-Chic Weddings, has remained on the Bestseller List since it first hit bookshelves in 2007. Visit any Barnes and Noble or Borders bookstores, and you will surely see Emily’s Eco Chic Weddings book sitting next to luminaries Martha Stewart and Emily Post.  Her latest book is Eco-Chic Home.

Her work is regularly featured in Ladies Home Journal, design*sponge, The New York Times, NPR, Martha Stewart, iVillage, The Washington Post, New York Magazine and Brides.com.  Anderson also publishes a daily blog www.goodwithstyle.com/ within which is EcoChicWeddings, she also regularly contributes to www.recycledtyke.com and tryhandmade.com

Website: www.emilyanderson.com/