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Bantu Wax

Inspired by Africa’s transition from being considered the ‘dark continent’ to the ‘bearer or light’, Bantu Wax was created to merge the rich history of African art and textiles with Africa’s deeply rooted surf culture. Using tales of the mermaid goddess of the ocean, Mami Wata, and a passion for surfing, the collection features rich, colorful prints and patterns for swimwear. Brilliant repeats, graphic patterns and floral motifs adorn the simple clean lines of the swimwear, using the swimsuit as a blank canvas to showcase the brilliance of African art.

The Bantu collection is made entirely in Africa by Africans. Making the collection sustainably and fairly is a founding principle of the brand. Bantu Wax are a symbol of the change in Africa, and one of a range of talented designers, artists and musicians finally coming to the attention of the world. An exuberance of chaotic, serenity, modern, urban, ancient, sacred, and sexy, the brand, much like Africa itself, will not be contained, pigeon holed or labeled!

Website: http://bantuwax.com

Twitter: @bantuwax

Instagram: www.instagram.com/bantuwax

Facebook: www.facebook.com/bantuwax

Tumblr: http://bantuwax.tumblr.com