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Samantha Pleet

Brooklyn Designer Samantha Pleet debuted her namesake collection in 2006 with quirky, youthful designs intertwining story telling with modern, wearable clothes. Perhaps as a throw back to her high school days when she hung out with the theater kids, her clothes tell a story, like characters in a romantic period novel.  Her signature look is a mix of quirky Americana ala Little House on the Prairie, meets the Amish rights of Passage, Rumspringa, where the strict religious community allows their youth to experience modern society, before committing or breaking from the faith. There is something almost puritanical about her look, but with a naïve innocence and sensuality.  Her collection features her ubiquitous straw hat with its Amish connotations, and little lace up leather ankle boots, alongside country botanical prints, ‘proper’ mid calf length dirndl dresses and skirts, playful romper suits, and clever understated twisting and seam detailing.

Website: www.samanthapleet.com