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The Cleanest Line

This site is basically a weblog for the employees, friends and customers of the outdoor clothing company PatagoniaPatagonia’s mission statement is “Build the best product, do no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis”.

The goal of The Cleanest Line is to further Patagonia‘s mission by encouraging dialogue about the products they build, the sports they love and the environmental issues they’re concerned about. By talking openly about the products they build, Patagonia users can help them achieve ever greater standards of quality and functionality. By spreading the word about specific environmental issues, they increase awareness and take action as quickly as possible. By sharing field reports, they inspire their readers to keep experiencing the natural wonders of our precious planet. And like any good conversation, there’s always the possibility for pranksters and poets to direct the conversation towards territories lacking any seriousness whatsoever.

Website: www.thecleanestline.com